Saturday, October 25, 2008

My first cooking practical

So last Friday was my cooking practical for skills class. We had to make an Espagnole (veal stock and brown roux simmered till thickened), Hollandaise, Mayonnaise, and Chicken Consomme (which really turned out to be beef consomme because there was no ground chicken). We will start off with the consomme. I had only made chicken consomme, so i did not know what to expect for making the "raft." I paid close attention to it so I didn't mess it up. In the end, I was very happy with it. It had great color and deep flavor (my consommes in the past were not as dark and not as richly flavored, but ground beef does have more than chicken, so that helped). My Hollandaise was a bit thick and I did not think of thinning it down. I was too worried it would break. It was also a bit grainy, and I didn't think to strain it to smooth it out, I was just flustered at that point I guess. My Mayo turned out excellent though, he really liked it! I did pretty well on the final, I was happy with my performance. I felt flustered most of the time though. I was food steward (so I had to get the food from the storeroom that morning and set everything up). Well while I was settting everything up, the person who was food steward with me was not helping, he was just working on his own stuff. So I found myself running around at the last minute to gather my equipemt (of which all the preferred bowls and pots were already taken). I was so ready for the practical, and it just did not flow as I hoped. But it was my first time doing something like that, you know, cooking for a grade, so it was a learning experience.

1 comment:

MPERU said...

Good for you next time you make holindays sauce just add warm water to thin it our it wont break trust me. If it turns out grainy that means you over cooked the eggs. I would just start over if this happen's.

Matt P.