Friday, August 31, 2012

Cars, Bikes, Buses, and other things with wheels

The point of this post: transportation in the city and what's the most financially smart choice. I currently own a car; the car that I have had since high school that got me around while at college and got me here to Chicago. Only now, all it does is sit on the streets since I have no use for it. If I want to visit my family in the burbs, i take the train. If I need to get to Point B, I take the bus or the L, or walk. The other day, I got a ticket because I didn't move my car for street cleaning (I didn't see the signs posted since I hadnt used my car in a couple days). At this point, I am thinking its a liability. I do not have secure parking, I already got a ticket, and its just losing money by sitting there. Cars in the city are useless (in my situation). Yes, there are plenty of people who have them, but for me, I have no use. I have decided to sell my car!!!

Bikes on the other hand, are awesome. I just bought a bike off craigslist for only $140. It is a vintage German folding bike. Yes, it folds. Which means I can take it on the buses, L, and the Metra trains whenever I want. And since it folds, I don't have to carry it cumbersomely up three flights of stairs to my apartment and I can keep it in my apartment as opposed to outside where it could get stolen. Also, since it was so inexpensive, if anything happens to it...I didn't lose out on a new $500 dollar bike! I can get places faster than relying on public transportation and its free to ride and good for the body :)

The verdict: sell car, bought bike, but I can walk to work when I want because I live only 1.7 miles away. Yay for city living!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Job, CHECK! Apartment, CHECK! (As of today)

Just moved into my new Chicago apartment!!!! I live above a sushi restaurant with a wine bar and wine shop across the street. Call me crazy, but I think that it was meant to be. This is so exciting because it is my first real apartment! It's an adorable two-bedroom with pastel colored walls, very CHIC, if you ask me. CHIC in Chicago for sure! I am excited to officially be part of the Chicago scene and all it has to offer. As nice as it was being able to stay with family for my first two months before moving downtown, it is nice to not have to rely on the trains every night to take me back to the suburbs. The public transportation in Chicago is awesome, so I can go anywhere! And I have an iPhone to help me get around, so that's a plus.

Check back frequently for more stories as I acclimate myself with this exciting city!

The Creation of My Chicago Blog: First Post

And again I have changed the focus of this blog. It started off as a blog about what I did in culinary school and then once I graduated I focused on post-graduation stories. Well, I have made the big move onto the big city, CHICAGO!! I am going to have this blog focus on my time here in Chicago as a culinary school graduate; talking about experiences as a restaurant worker, what it is like to live downtown, fun city adventures, and general stories about living in the windy city. It's going to be EPIC!! Subscribe to become a follower so you can see when I write new posts!