Monday, November 14, 2011

Adventure #1: China!

I'm taking vacation. I need a vacation, especially after 3 1/2 years of non-stop culinary school. So I'm GOING TO CHINA!!!!!!!!

It is a 2 week trip designed by one of the chefs at school for CIA graduates, so there are 7 of us going on a full blown culinary tour of China. This is more than just seeing the major attractions (pandas, great wall, temples). We get to go to a cooking school for a couple days, eat at amazing restaurants, visit a tea farm, and more! It is going to be so much fun, especially since it isn't like the trip to Italy in which it was a class (we had to write response papers and take quizzes). There is much more freedom in this trip, so I'm quite excited.

See you in 2 weeks!!


Welcome to my "new"'s really the same blog as before with all the stories from culinary school, but this time I am sharing my "Post Culinary School" stories. I hope to include more adventures, more recipes, and more ways to expose you to the culinary world.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Graduation: time for the real world

I graduated from CIA on Thursday with my Bachelor's Degree in Culinary Arts Management.....I AM DONE SCHOOL FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!! It really feels amazing to know that I am finished with that chapter of life. I guess i can cross that off my bucket list now. A part of me wants to discontinue this blog since it is all about me being in culinary school....but I do find it is a great way to communicate with all of you about my culinary adventures...I may just change the vision of this blog to more of a life of the "culinary graduate"....thoughts??

Oh when I said that I was done school forever, that certainly does not mean I am done learning. Life is always about learning. While I am no longer enrolled in an institution, my brain keeps absorbing new information and I am always on the constant look out for new opportunities.

Wish me luck in the real world. It's been one heck of a ride....