Monday, August 30, 2010

Why Do I Choose To Make My Life So Hectic?

A question I am going to attempt to answer...I think it is because I feel productive and accomplished if I am constantly going places, meeting with this person, meeting with that person, completing a homework assignment, going on trips...etc, etc. My first week of class was slightly crazy. It involved me carrying tons of books around to each class, getting 15 minutes to eat lunch before I had to go to work in which I would leave work and then go back to class. My day would finish with me going to cross country running practice (XC), eating a quick dinner and then starting homework. Wake up the next day, repeat.

I didn't even have time to watch my TV shows online until the weekend!!! (life takes priority to entertainment).

This weekend was all devoted to homework, in which I have been very productive. I did take a break on Saturday and went to watch a hog slaughter.

Yes, a hog slaughter.

I have been feeling a bit uneasy and any sort of food tastes a bit off to me since going to the farm. The smells were not exactly those of rose petals and lavender. While we did not actually see the slaughtering of the hog, the screams and squeals of the poor animal were enough to make my stomach churn. The stun gun that is usually used to stun the animal before it is hoisted up on the hooks was broken, so other, more graphic methods, had to be used. I am quite happy I did not have to see this. I fully respect the killing of an animal for its meat (and other parts) now that I partially saw it. Maybe this is why I eat mostly fish instead of any other animal. Its just too much for me to watch. When people asked how the hog slaughter was, I just say it was an....slight pause, experience.

But back to the topic of this post, I have so far accomplished what I wanted when I returned to school, get as involved as possible. I just need to make sure I don't get tooooo involved.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Back in School Mode, Let's Dust Off Those Brain Cells

First of all, please excuse me for my 1 1/2 month hiatus (sp?) from this blog. I became super busy with work and other activities preventing me from writing. But I am back now! Currently, I sit in my room at school with my brain moving in many directions. I am back at school for the Bachelor's Program. It is another 1 1/2 years of education here at this fine institute I call the CIA. While the Associate's Degree was focused on the hows of cooking, more practical techniques, the Bachelor's Program (BPS) is more managerial business information. It is where the students wear business casual attire (no more chef whites) and carry text books, binders, notebooks, coffee mugs (no knife bags) around and drag their feet up the stairs of Roth Hall (basically the only academic building here on campus; the main building where all the kitchens and offices, etc, are). I am a legitimate college student. Six classes. But only 4 days a week (!!). I am preparing my binders and notebooks for class (and my brain). I am excited to be able to think critically again since that is all my high schools days consisted of.
I spent the first few hours of my day in orientation (we were just spoken to by different Deans of the school as to who does what and such and such). I spent the next few hours running into old friends whom I have not seen in a few months and catching up with how their summers were. I just feel so refreshed being back and starting a new chapter of my life.
I live in a single room like I did last year which is fantastic. I have suitemates, but we all have our own rooms and share a bathroom, so it is nice to be able to retreat to my own room. I must be getting back to preparation for tomorrow. I will try to write as soon as I can.