Sunday, January 26, 2014

Dedicated To My Friends

Why do we blog? Is it a way to find mental clarity? To get our feelings out, even though we may not know who is listening, but just having our thoughts out there? Are we looking for validation? I mean, its kind of like free therapy. We are saying things that are on our minds, without paying $100/hour. But, we can say what we want, and if we don't like it, hit the backspace bar. Perhaps this makes blogging an intelligent way to express ourselves since we can type something out, consider how it sounds, and fix it, before it disperses into the interweb's crazy world. I have hit the backspace bar on this paragraph so much already that its funny. Is this how we think when we are in person having human interactions? A mental backspace bar? I think all to often our metaphoric fingers type too fast and our brain cannot process it, so we say what we may mean, but probably should have kept it to ourselves. 

My point? My friends are my therapy. Not blogging. Sure, I blog every now and then, but over the past couple of months, I have not even had the thought cross my mind just once "Should I blog about this? It's been a while since I blogged. I wonder if my followers miss me." Come on Audrey, you don't have any followers! You are not a blogger. My blog simply serves as a mass communication log. If I have a long story to tell or a lot of stuff I want to get off my mind without having to repeat it many times to individuals, I will blog about it, post the link on my Facebook, and let people decide if they want to read into my life. But what I have found, is that its really just a one-way situation. I spend many minutes typing up a story, but I don't get to see any reactions on peoples' faces or hear their feedback. 

Back to my original point: This blog post goes out to my friends. Because you are the ones that sit next to me on the couch while listening to my problems, my successes, offers up advice, all while your adorable dog keeps trying to lick my face (not conducive to story telling). You are able to share with me how you may have been through a similar situation and that it is something to learn from. We laugh, we cry, we hug it out, and then take sips of our wine, because that is what girlfriends do. You are also the friend who randomly messages me on a Wednesday night inviting me out for $5 martini night because who doesn't want to spend hours just talking, catching up, laughing, gossiping, checking other dudes out at the bar, people watching, all while drinking inexpensive cocktails. And to all my other friends who know I talk too much, but you are my therapy. Because I can confide in you. Everyone needs friends, and it is now that I recognize who my friends are because I am in a happier place. I enjoy my work, I play, I work more, and maybe a little more, but then I have you all to decompress with.

I probably won't be blogging much anymore, so I'll see ya around Blogspot. Catch you in another cyber universe....or the next time I feel like sharing a story to completely random strangers.