Monday, March 28, 2011

Benvenutti a Italia!

We have been in Sorrento (region of Campania) for almost two days now. But I will start by telling you how it all began!

Our trip began once we landed in Rome after a 7 1/2 hour flight from the states. The flight did not seem as long as I thought it would, though I was able to catch some shut-eye for two hours. Once arriving in Rome, we were greeted by Patrizia, our tour-guide, with one of those signs with CIA on it. We felt so special having a sign! Now all we needed was our limo with champagne! It was only 7:45 am so we had a full day ahead of us, which we knew was going to be exhausting, especially after flying for so long! We hopped right onto a coach bus (the driver's name is Antonino and I must admit, he is quite handsom! Speaks very little English though, so it gives us an excuse to practice our Italian). The bathroom on the bus is locked, which so far has not given us any problems with needing to stop, but once we start on our way to other regions with drives as long as 6 hours, pit stops (and espresso stops) will be necessary.

After two hours of driving, we stopped at a small espresso bar and I had my first Italian espresso!It was quite strong, but I had to know what a true espresso tasted like before making a fancy cappuccino or cafe latte with it. I also tried a piece of my friend's chocolate croissant which was so buttery it just melted away in my mouth!

After espresso, we arrived in a little town to have our first lunch in Italy, called pranzo. It was at a small restaurant which used to be a pig barn! It is now a michelin star restaurant which even Ferran Adria has been to and dined at! (world renowned chef). It had a lemon tree out front which was my first time seeing one! We started off with antipasti, followed by pasta, and dessert of a torta caprese (shortbread crust, chocolate, ricotta, amaretto filling). The antipasto had mozzarella di bufalo (from water buffalo milk) that was made less than two hours earlier from milk collected that morning! Talk about fresh! It was unlike any mozzarella we had ever tasted with a creamy, milky, tangy flavor to it. There was also ricotta made that day as well which was so smooth and creamy! We also drank Aglianico wine (white) which is from the Campania region of Italy. After these three courses, I was full, very full, and thought to myself, oh no...three weeks of this!??!

We jumped back onto the bus and were on our way to Sorrento! After most of us had been sleeping for the past hour or so, we were woked up by Patrizia saying, "okay and on your right you have Mount Vesuvius..." Well that sure woke me up!! I jumped awake, pulled out my camera and snapped away!

The road was so windy down to Sorrento and the streets so narrow. Imagine us in a giant tour bus that is almost as wide as the road itself and having to leave room for the other cars, busses, mopeds! Antonino is certainly a talented driver!

We arrived at our hotel around 5 pm and had two hours before dinner. We moved into our rooms and saw that there was a balcony! It was such a nice day out, so rather than taking a nap before dinner, I sat outside and read a book, enjoying the beautiful day!

We ate dinner at a seafood restaurant right on the water. We were served FIVE COURSES! Starting off with a seafood salad of shimp, calamari, and octopus. Followed by liguini with clams and mussels. A light salad with vinaigrette was next and then a plate of fried fish. This followed with dessert called limone delizioso.

That basically concludes my first full day. I will try to report of my second day soon. I am sharing the internet with one of my friends.

I must be going now. My friends and I are going out to dinner in Sorrento since we have the night free!


Saturday, March 26, 2011

To quote John Denver "I'm leeeaaavvviiinnngggg on a jet plane!" TO ITALY!

Today is the day! I sit here with a Starbucks latte in my hand--the last cup of American espresso before ITALY!! Not exactly looking forward to the 9 hour flight though...but my destination is totally worth it.

I would like to take this time to thank all of those who gave me suggestions and tips on how to pack for Italy and secrets to international travel.

Mom and Dad: thanks for the wallet pouch things that go inside your pants, now I don't have to worry about getting mugged by those silly gypsies!

Sharon: Don't worry, I will buy you a bottle of Balsamic Vinegar!

Jen: thanks for the extra SD cards and camera battery and suggestion to take a disposable camera as a back up :)

Shaylene: I've got melatonin to help me sleep on the plane.

And all others who gave me tips but I'm too excited to think about them!


Gelato and Pasta and Wine, OH MY!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I LOVE YA, Tomorrow, Italia's a day a-way!!

I'M GOING TO ITALY TOMORROW!!! I have finished packing, for the most part...and I just weighed my bag. I can have a max of 50#....I weighed in at 40! GO ME! This is all so surreal....make sure you add your email address to my followers (the box is on the left side of the blog) so that you can see when I update!

CIAO for now

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Countdown to Italy: 4 days!!!!!!!!!!!

I AM GOING TO ITALY IN 4 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nah, I'm not THAT excited; I mean, its only my first time EVER going to Italy, let alone Europe! It is a three week tour through different regions of Italy where we visit farms, wineries, touristy architecture, and amazing restaurants. We stay in 4 star hotels the entire time! Can you say "la vita bella"? I leave on Saturday, so I am running around trying to figure out what I need to pack, what I need to buy, who I need to talk to before I leave, and taking care of business. I will not have my phone on me, but I will check email every couple of days as well as post on my blog when possible with little updates.

Does anyone have suggestions or recommendations for me before I depart??

Springing into action

Spring has sprung! But oddly enough, our first day of spring in the Hudson Valley of NY was welcomed by a small snow shower...

I am the vice president of Slow Food on Campus, CIA which is a club designed for students who are interested in and committed to recognizing the origins of food, supporting sustainable farming practices, and spreading the word about the importance of farming locally and supporting local farmers. We were previously known as Chefs Sustaining Agriculture (CSA) but as some may know, a CSA also stands for Community Supported Agriculture, and so when people join our club, they ask where our garden is...well that has inspired us to reach out and create one of our own!

There used to be a Garden Society on campus, but they have gladly turned their garden over to our club; we have more man power and more interest in keeping the garden alive. A chef on campus also has a plot of land at her house (15 x 20 feet) that she is letting us turn into a garden. We went out there this past weekend to get rid of the overgrowth from lack of care and maintenance. We have mapped out a plan of what we are going to plant where based on where the sun is at certain times during the day. It is prime planting season now since it is slowly warming up, aka, the seeds are anxiously waiting to find their soil!

It is going to be a very busy next couple of weeks for Slow Food on Campus, but unfortunately, I cannot be involved until April 15th....why you ask?? See the next post. Has something to do with a fabulous country called ITALY!!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Don't "quote" Me On This: Food Inspiration

First of all, I would like to apologize for not writing in a very very long time.
There is no "second of all..."

Until I can get the time to write a long blog about all of the things I have been up to, here are some inspirational food quotes to get those culinary juices flowin'

"Truffle isn't exactly aphrodisiac but under circumstances it tends to make women more tender and men more likeable"

"Vegetables are a must on a diet. I suggest CARROT cake, ZUCCHINI bread, and PUMPKIN pie"
--Jim Davis

"Great Food is like great Sex, the more you have, the more you want!"
--Gael Greene

"Life is too short for self hatred and celery sticks"
--Marilyn Wann

"High-tech tomatoes. Mysterious milk. Supersquash. Are we supposed to eat this stuff? Or is it going to eat us??"
--Annita Manning

"A fruit is a vegetable with looks and money. Plus, if you let fruit rot, it turns into wine, something Brussels sprouts never do."
--P.J. O'Rourke

"24 hours in a day. 24 beers in a case. Coincidence? I think not."
--Adjustment Bureau (movie)

"Do it nice or do it twice,"
--Chef at Tru during a Stage

"Friends are like a box of pick your favorites and leave the rest for someone else to sort through"
----I guess its a take on Forrest Gump....? Anonymous

"you know, women are like fine wines. You can't just open them up right when you buy them. You have to let them age and ripen until the time is just right. Then when you are ready, you can take a corkscrew to it and ....pop the cork"
-Greek, LMFAO

" There are two rules for investing:
1) Don't lose money
2) Refer back to rule #1

"See the chocolate. Taste the chocolate. BE the chocolate"
-Easter Card

"Could I have the Mahi-Mahi, but only one Mahi cuz I'm not that hungry...."
-House Bunny

"Give a man to fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he will eat for life"

....or a variation of that one: "Give a man to fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day"