Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Springing into action

Spring has sprung! But oddly enough, our first day of spring in the Hudson Valley of NY was welcomed by a small snow shower...

I am the vice president of Slow Food on Campus, CIA which is a club designed for students who are interested in and committed to recognizing the origins of food, supporting sustainable farming practices, and spreading the word about the importance of farming locally and supporting local farmers. We were previously known as Chefs Sustaining Agriculture (CSA) but as some may know, a CSA also stands for Community Supported Agriculture, and so when people join our club, they ask where our garden is...well that has inspired us to reach out and create one of our own!

There used to be a Garden Society on campus, but they have gladly turned their garden over to our club; we have more man power and more interest in keeping the garden alive. A chef on campus also has a plot of land at her house (15 x 20 feet) that she is letting us turn into a garden. We went out there this past weekend to get rid of the overgrowth from lack of care and maintenance. We have mapped out a plan of what we are going to plant where based on where the sun is at certain times during the day. It is prime planting season now since it is slowly warming up, aka, the seeds are anxiously waiting to find their soil!

It is going to be a very busy next couple of weeks for Slow Food on Campus, but unfortunately, I cannot be involved until April 15th....why you ask?? See the next post. Has something to do with a fabulous country called ITALY!!!!

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