Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Job, CHECK! Apartment, CHECK! (As of today)

Just moved into my new Chicago apartment!!!! I live above a sushi restaurant with a wine bar and wine shop across the street. Call me crazy, but I think that it was meant to be. This is so exciting because it is my first real apartment! It's an adorable two-bedroom with pastel colored walls, very CHIC, if you ask me. CHIC in Chicago for sure! I am excited to officially be part of the Chicago scene and all it has to offer. As nice as it was being able to stay with family for my first two months before moving downtown, it is nice to not have to rely on the trains every night to take me back to the suburbs. The public transportation in Chicago is awesome, so I can go anywhere! And I have an iPhone to help me get around, so that's a plus.

Check back frequently for more stories as I acclimate myself with this exciting city!

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