Thursday, August 22, 2013

My Life Post-Michelin Kitchen (Day 4 Report)

Ok, so it's only been four days since I left Sepia, but already it's a completely different lifestyle; one that is going to take some getting used to. For one, I see way more daylight, which I am certainly not complaining about. My days feel longer so I am able to feel more productive throughout the day. This can be attributed to working morning shifts at the catering company and assisting with night classes at SLT. Just the other day, I went to work at the catering place at 9 am (daylight) and out by 5 (daylight). So strange, compared to my life at Sepia where I went in at 1 pm (daylight) and out by 11:30 (definitely not daylight). I have also been going to sleep at normal hours (not sure what counts as normal in this world anymore though). By that I mean I am no longer going to sleep at 1:30-2:00 am simply because the adrenaline from the kitchen kept me awake, rather more like 10:30-11:00 pm. I also wake up at earlier times, say 7:45-9:00 am, which in turn gives me a longer and more productive day.
Is this schedule change such a bad thing, I ask myself? I'd say no. Change is good. It stimulates me to do more, see more, accomplish more of what I've been wanting to since moving here.

Here is what I will try to accomplish with my new-found daylight freedom:
*Finish all of those books I have started reading but never finished due to complete exhaustion and lack of motivation to do anything. And let me clarify by saying they are actually real books, with real pages, none of that kindle or nook business.
*Train for my marathon without also killing my body by working 12 hour shifts and running up and down stairs from the kitchen basement to the line.
*Blog more, example, NOW
*Eat healthier and not rely on "staff meal" (kitchen lingo) for my daily sustenance
*Cook at home more for my roommate and I (I doubt she will complain about that)
*See my roommate more, now that our schedules are a bit more synced
*Stage at other restaurants to learn. Never. Stop. Learning.
*Journal about said stages to keep brain active
*See my family in the burbs. A MUST-DO! Sorry ya'll for my absence.
*Participate in more city happenings, preferably the free stuff

That's all I can think of now.

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