Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I'm so Punny, oh so Punny

Let's get this out of the way first: I am sorry I did not continue to write while in internet access and time spent exploring hindered my ability to write. Check out my pictures on Facebook...there are a couple albums and they are organized by where I went.

Now for the purpose of this blog:
I am sitting at work (I work in the tutoring center at my school), but there are no students to be tutored. So I thought to myself, rather than going on Facebook and wasting my day away, like I usually do, I'll write in my blog about my day so far.
I woke up, did laundry, YAY clean clothes!, ate an orange, checked my email, watched last night's episode of GLEE (AMAZING!), talked to one of my chefs about composting (more on that in a future blog), and then the fun part started...

11:45 friend and I are meeting in Farq Hall (where all the students eat lunch). But we aren't meeting for lunch...we are waiting for FREE FALAFEL!!! Yup, three of the Israeli students on campus decided to make falafel and just give it away. Why? Probably because the falafel in this school that the other students try to make is...ready for my first pun?...fal"Awful"! But this falafel, was fal"awesome!!" My friend and I were sitting eating our free falafel and making these puns just laughing at how bad at making jokes we are.

I then talked to my friend on Facebook about puns...side note--our conversations are usually just us firing puns back and forth to one another, its pretty awesome. I then made another pun about how in the middle east, they probably have their wedding vows as "do you take so and so to be your "falafel" wedded wife?

Dear Davis family, I hope you are proud that the Davis humor runs in my blood. Or should I say, "puns" in my blood?

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